Discover How To 2x Your Income in 12 Months

(Without Burning Out or Chasing Dead Leads)

Sales Training Endorsed by Sharran Srivatsaa: The Buyer and Listing Presentation So Effective, It Practically Pre-Sells You as the Go-To Agent

Let's cut to the chase...

We are going to give you the tools to turn your business into a buyer and listing machine that generates you 2x the deal flow every single month.

These results are NOT typical but clients who’ve gone through this:

Molly Mekus has doubled her income in less than 6 months:

Jan-Michael McClintic has tripled his listing business in less than 8 months and set to do over $30 million in production:

Salvatore Volo was on the fence - but then joined and has booked more appointments in less than 1 month with TRIS than he has in the last 6 months:

Daniel Rude was announced a top team at REAL and is currently outperforming medium sized teams of 10+ agents with one buyers agent and support staff

They got this by bringing together ideas and IP they already had and created ONE offer.

This is perfect if you’re already prospecting, have a book of business, want to get the same results.

The TRIS Method allows you to:

Allows you to effortlessly attract more buyers and sellers

Allows you to work when you want, where you want, how you want

Keep you focused on income producing activities and in your zone of genius

And make more income without complicated funnels, buying more leads or spammy sales techniques.

We will go over everything you need to run this for yourself…

Through our coaching & mentoring we will share everything we have learned building multiple companies in multiple sectors to millions in revenue, building a real estate business to over $250,000 million in production & Vikram will personally share how he personally profited over $1 million in GCI year after year while running his team in Seattle (and we don't share this to impress you, we share this to impress on you that this isn't just theory).

TRIS is not a community that will teach you how to build big fancy websites, logos or branding -- we care about helping you make more money and getting you focused on income producing activities.

We are also not a community that flashes how much GCI we make, we care about the money you ultimately keep inside of your business (Your NCI - Net Commission Income) so that you can live the the lifestyle you have always dreamed of.

Firstly, if you don't know much about us, our business, or why you'd want to possibly join (Our TRIS (Trust, Rapport, Influence, Sales Method) and learn advanced sales that actually work with human psychology - Watch This

Who is TRIS for?

Established: You have clarity that you are all in on real estate - where you are one foot in and one foot out. You don't want to figure it all out on your own and want the simplest path to make more money and have the lifestyle you desire.

Money: You're a real estate agent or team lead. You understand that it is ultimately your skill that will put and keep cash in the bank. You're not concerned with vanity metrics but rather want to make more money so you can have more impact in your local community, with your family and have freedom / flexibility in life.

Model: You want to grow your business with intention, without sacrificing your values. You need a model where business growth improves your life not hinder it.

Focus: You want a simple path to your dream real estate business and life, avoiding the hustle culture. You aim to create:

Focus #1 - The skills in order to convert both people you know and people you don't know into paying clients

Focus #2 - One core buyer presentation that gets buyers to trust you and also sign with you in a post NAR settlement world
Focus #3- One core listing presentation that allows you to win 97% of the listing appointments you take on

Focus #4 - The confidence to get your clients results, ensuring that they not only choose you, but also choose to refer for years

Fun: You only work with A+ clients. Your peace of mind is priceless. Everything you should do should be enjoyable because enjoyable = sustainable.

Intuition: We will teach you to trust your gut. Most coaching companies in our space want you dependent on them; we want the opposite. We will show you how to think and how to sell so that you know the right steps to take to build your perfect business.

Access: You want access to a team that has actually built what you want and is where you want to be. You need a mentor, not just another course.

💜 If you resonate with the above, keep reading

Hey if you are still reading, I want to let you know that this is Vikram Deol writing now (I run TRIS alongside my business partner Cody May)...

I want to share with you real quick the evolution of how we started this community you are reading about today - and how I still have no clue how we get the opportunity to serve agents like you all across North America.

So ... A few years ago - after building my real estate business to multiple 7 figures in GCI, I made the impossibly hard decision to shut it down and start something new in the health and wellness space called Osteostrong... I got a ton of Zillow reviews to prove it:

The problem?

The wellness endeavour put me into a ton of debt - $704,224 to be exact.

Year 2021

Mindset = Fake it

Social Media = Front Harder

Late nights = Stressed to the max, scared.

This was my story back just a few years ago.

Hard money loan - 150k

Private loan - 80k from Sharran (no idea why)

Credit cards - 200k

Line of credit - 250k

Parents - LOTS

Osteostrong Bakersfield was not making me any money and I was sinking 2-8K a month keeping it alive.

Not taking a salary and paying through pandemic to keep our team alive and dying inside, borrowing from everywhere just to make it but never allowing the world to see it.

Takes a toll.

Why share this?

Because 2017 was a 1.6 million GCI year in real estate.

Paid off Range Rover

Money in bank

$0 Credit Cards

I was chilling on my golden throne and everyone hated me and the universe delivered my wake up call. I was dropped from the Modern Day Knight Project in front of 20 or so men whom I respected.

It was embarrassing and demoralizing.

But It wasn't what I wanted but needed.

Fast forward to today, I have worked extremely hard on me.

✅ I have worked extremely hard on my sales skills with the likes of Jeremy Miner & Tony Robbins (investing back into myself when I had no money to do so because I believed in me that much).

✅ I have invested money into coaching and mentors that I didn't have to get here.

✅ I have worked hard to be less of a douche bag.

✅ I have sat in dark places alone scared of tomorrow and the debt collectors.

✅I have sat with a 418 credit score and wondered if this was it.

And... I have come out the other side...

Paying off almost all my debt in less than a year by serving the industry that served me.

This is just a testament to say this...

No matter where you are, if you invest into yourself and get around a community of people that are headed in the same direction as you, you can turn anything around or get to whatever destination you are headed.

I am a living and breathing testament to that truth.

And now today, Cody and I have the opportunity to help hundreds and hundreds of agents radically transform their lives & businesses all across North America by acquiring the skill that is required in order to win in a Post Covid Anti-Trust Marketplace.

I have fallen in love with helping agents just like you achieve their wildest dreams - and every client that enters into our eco-system can see that pretty fast.

And I truly believe if you choose to join us inside TRIS, you put in the work to acquire the skills we are going to gift you, you can also overcome any obstacle that is holding you back from getting ahead too.

Because between the content, community and coaching -- I can almost guarantee there is an answer inside of TRIS for you...

So let's get back to what exactly is included in TRIS.

TRIScovers a lot... But here are a few of key areas you'll be most interested in:

⚡️Pillar #1: The 7 Figure Buyer Presentation:

The truth is out - our friend Sharran Srivatsaa (President of REAL) recently shared with us that about 89% of agents don't have a buyer presentation. So without a consult structure and a way to explain how compensation to buyers, many agents just won't get paid in this new world of real estate. So agents are asking all across the country right now, "What do we say to buyers and sellers in order to get paid and demonstrate our value". And it's something we are helping hundreds of agents across the country with right now with... Inside of TRIS we break down word-for-word, exactly what to say in order to get buyer representation in a post NAR settlement world. And this isn't theory, Vikram built a large portion of his business from expireds and working with buyers in Seattle. Vikram and Sharran worked together on creating the buyer presentation and have trained thousands of agents all across North America on how to show, flow and demo their value, get clients under contract and get paid.

⚡️Pillar #2: The TRIS Method™️ (How To Build Trust, Rapport, Influence and Make Sales in Today's Market):

We have spent years working sales, training sales teams and also selling real estate on the ground and have done presentations in Mr. & Mrs. Jones' living room. We have curated some of the best sales training in the country that works with human psychology. In fact, our Head Trainer Vikram Deol has personally worked with the likes of Tony Robbins & Jeremy Miner in their inner circle programs to help design this program you are reading about right now. TRIS will show you exactly what is working in today's market to instill trust in the end consumer that your process is the best process. Simply put, TRIS is designed to help you make more money. This training is Vikram's life work and the framework that has helped Vikram build a $250 million dollar real estate business and profiting over $1 million in GCI selling real estate in a single year.

⚡️Pillar #3: The Billion Dollar Listing Presentation:

Tired of losing out on listing opportunities that you should have won? Many agents prior to joining TRIS tell us that they were losing out on 1 - 2 listings per month and many of them knew it, but didn't know how to fix it. Many of the agents you saw above have implemented the Billion Dollar Listing Presentation and have doubled and tripled their listing business in less than 12 months. It's that powerful. We give you the exact presentation broken down into 16 training modules + the word-for-word script that will help you add an additional 1, 2 and even 4+ listings per month to your business.

⚡️Pillar #4: Appointment Setting Mastery:

There is no secret...

Real estate agents struggle to book appointments with qualified prospects. It's why there are so many lead generation companies out there trying to take our hard earned money. What if we told you that you didn't need to buy anymore leads? What if we told you that there is a frame work that will help you set more appointments with your SOI, referrals and database leads... It's possible - and our clients are doing it across the country right now. We call this the Game Plan Frame and it's responsible for tens of thousands of set appointments -- and we give you the word-for-word framework inside of TRIS 2.0.

⚡️Pillar #5: The Expired Listing Playbook:

There are a lot of expired scripts out there that just don't work. In fact, they immediately trigger sales resistance and don't result in booking appointments. Many of the scripts out there trigger the seller because they get bombarded with calls from agents. The problem is the vast majority of scripts don't factor in human psychology, tonality and our client’s decision making process. This is where our Expired Listing Playbook comes in. We will give you the exact word-for-word framework using what we call The Third Party Frame. This framework has helped agents across the country book thousands and thousands of appointments with expired listings.

⚡️Pillar #6: The Sales Objection Pathway:

Most training wants you to crush or overcome the objection. But our question is always this, "Why not try to prevent the objection from happening in the first place"? -- or why not try to understand the concern first. We have found many objections are actually questions or doubts and we use a framework called the DHIS Method (where we disarm, humanize, isolate and solve) any concerns that our buyers or sellers might have. In our training we will show you almost every objection under the sun such as interest rates, inventory,

⚡️Pillar #7: The 7 Figure Lead Generation Playbook:

We have a fundamental belief... Most agents don't need more leads, they need skills in order to figure out how to have better conversations. And within a few months inside our program our clients really understand this on a deep level - because the majority of our clients grow without any new lead gen buying. That said, our 7 Figure Lead Generation Playbook will show you the exact ways to leverage organic and paid strategies in order to generate leads at scale.

⚡️Pillar #8: Power Playbook Bonuses:

We have the fortunate opportunity to works with the likes of Sharran Srivatsaa. In fact, he comes and teaches to our private clients on a quarterly basis and was also with us in person at our most recent summit. In the Power Playbook bonuses you have access to past Sharran trainings, income producing activity training, how to be a trusted advisor and about 16 additional training modules of how to win in today's market.

⚡️Pillar #9: The Open House Playbook:

Our clients have told us time and time again that they can't believe how much money they left on the table at their open houses before working with us in TRIS 2.0. Inside of this 10 part module we walk you through exactly what to do leading up to the open house to promote it, what to say to get appointments at the open house and what to do post open house to make more money.

⚡️Pillar #10: The Magic Script Vault:

Vikram has broken down almost every script under the sun to ensure that you have the training necessary to convert buyers and sellers. We have scripts for the following (and are constantly adding / updating to the ones we have):

1. The Game Plan Frame to Set More Appointments
2. How To Convert Aged Seller Leads
3. The Ultimate Appointment Booking Formula
4. How To Use Consequence Questions To Get Buyers & Sellers To Take Action

5. Fresh Seller & Buyer Outbound Calling
6. Circle Prospecting
7. Open House Pre & Post
8. Expired Listings
9. Inbound Calls

So what does working together look like in TRIS?

Inside TRIS you get access to our content, coaching & community.

TRIS: Content

While you’re a member, You get access to our full step by step roadmap & curriculum, covering everything you need to know in TRIS to double and even triple your real estate business. There’s currently 100+ modules… and it’s always getting upgrades, both from Cody, Vikram and guests.

TRIS: Coaching

Inside TRIS you get up to 18 group training calls with us every month.

You will get access to our weekly sales training call (you will also have access to the sale training replays) as well as access to our Top Agent Panel calls where our top producing agents share best practices that are helping them double and triple their income.

TRIS: Community

This journey isn’t meant to be done alone. Our private Skool community is where you share wins, lessons, questions with your peers… It’s where you get helped, and you help. We have the privilege of working with some of the agents in the industry… so you’ll be surrounded by high calibre humans.

TRIS Bonus: Workshops

When you join, you’ll get access to our paid workshops. In fact, we recently hosted our 7 Figure Summit pictured above and many of our clients are all across North America. We also regularly have guests such as Sharran Srivatsaa (once per quarter) + Jen Cudmore and more… These workshops are sold for anywhere between $200 - $2,000. But you will get a discounted rate for being a member of TRIS.

We Can't Wait To Meet You Inside of TRIS

- Cody May & Vikram Deol of Sheridan St.

What TRIS Members are Saying:

Where do you wanna go from here?

To Access Our Community, Coaching, Content & Workshops & Take Your Real Estate Business To The Next Level - Book A TRIS Game Plan Session Here👇